If you are self-employed and you have just begun generating money you need to think about the obvious benefits of tax planning strategies. Regardless of whether you are a sole proprietor, somebody inside a partnership or even a shareholder in an S Corporation this is a very important part of being profitable. In the case that you are successful inside your business, and are also experiencing positive earnings, you’ll need tax planning.
Perhaps the simplest method to cut back your revenue inside your individual tax return is typically to contribute to a retirement plan. Whether you are placing money into an IRA, 401k, SEP or another type of retirement plan, these dollars lessen your taxable income and lower your tax bill. You’ll be able to keep a lot more of your cash – although you technically cannot touch it until you are of retirement age. However, you are able to locate situations when you are able take advantage of this cash instead of being penalized, although tax would undoubtedly be due on the distributions.
Our tax product is a pay-as-you-go system. The taxing authorities (the IRS & your state tax commission/department of revenue) are prepared to receive your estimated tax payments throughout the year on income you are earning. The purpose of tax planning will be to mitigate any taxes due when it is time to file your tax returns. Some approaches to reducing taxes include: lowering your income, increasing your expenses and taking benefit of applicable tax credits.
Getting the maximum benefit from expense deductions requires you to undoubtedly keep detailed records/receipts of deductible expenses. If your itemized deductions are higher than the standard deduction – you are going to take the larger of these two. Expenses such as: property taxes, charitable contributions, personal property taxes, mortgage interest, tax preparation fees, un-reimbursed job related expenses and investment expenses are all accounted for within the itemized deduction calculation. This also directly reduces the taxable income you’ll require on your tax return – and lowers your tax bill. Additionally, you’ll find certain tax credits that will also decrease your tax if they are applicable for your situation. A few that come to mind are: the earned income credit, education related tax credits, the adoption tax credit, the credit for children, amongst others.
A tax expert such as an Enrolled Agent can help you figure out what your tax bill will look like at year end by reviewing your earnings and deduction assumptions. To be most effective tax planning analysis and techniques need to be considered early in the year as you’ll be able to. The internal income service would expect you to make estimated tax payments throughout the year if you expect your tax bill after the year to be greater than $1,000. For those self-employed people who report their income on Schedule C or who receive K-1’s from trusts, partnerships or s corporations, tax planning can be a necessity. By working with your CPA on tax planning strategies you will know if you should make estimated tax payments or not throughout the year. Getting hit with a big tax bill at tax time is not ideal in a situation.
Given this knowledge make sure to sit down with a specialist to talk about tax planning and also visit our web site. We have the experience to answer your questions about several tax preparing and business techniques for you. Contact us now and let us help and equip you for the future. Here on our web site you can utilize the knowledge available and chat with a professional tax planning business advisors and/or Enrolled Agents that can help or supply you with all the tools you will need for tax planning.
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