Make Every Day Count This Month Toward Achieving Your Financial Goals




National Preparedness Month. Consider your preparation plans for an emergency in your home, school, or business. Ensure your finances can handle a variety of emergencies.


Labor Day. Reflect on your career and set new goals for the future. Examine your current earnings and make plans to reach new heights.


Grandparents’ Day. Consider the wisdom your grandparents can provide about financial matters. They survived the depression and can teach you amazing frugal tips.


Working Parents Day. Evaluate your household income and consider making adjustments. If both parents are working, then examine your budget. 


Constitution Day. The founding fathers made sure the country had a strong foundation for the future. What are you doing to ensure your family is prepared for future events like retirement? 


Business Women’s Day. Women are an important part of the workplace. How is your business or company accommodating them? Review your company policies.


National Good Neighbor Day. Your neighbors can affect the value of your home. Work together with your neighbors to maintain property values.